Pomona, Goddess of Apples: Pomona was a Roman goddess who was the keeper of orchards and fruit trees.Acorns and the Mighty Oak: In many cultures, the oak is sacred, and is often connected to legends of deities who interact with mortals.Symbolism of the Stag: In some Pagan traditions, the deer is highly symbolic, and takes on many aspects of the God during the harvest season.Gods and Goddesses of the Hunt: In some of today’s Pagan belief systems, hunting is considered off-limits, but for many others, deities of the hunt are still honored by modern Pagans.The Gods of the Vine: Mabon is a popular time to celebrate wine-making and deities connected to the growth of the vine.Michaelmas: Although it's not a Pagan holiday in the true sense, Michaelmas celebrations often included older aspects of Pagan harvest customs, such as the weaving of corn dolls from the last sheaves of grain.Pagans and Renaissance Festivals: While the Renaissance Festival, whichever one you may be attending, isn’t inherently Pagan itself, it’s definitely a Pagan-magnet.Mabon Celebrations Around the World: Let's look at some of the ways that this second harvest holiday has been honored around the world for centuries.Celebrating Mabon with Kids: If you’ve got kids at home, try celebrating Mabon with some of these family-friendly and kid-appropriate ideas.While some of us would like to think that it's an old and ancient name for the celebration, there's no evidence to indicate that it's anything other than modern. Origins of the Word "Mabon": There is a lot of spirited conversation in the Pagan community as to where the word "Mabon" originates.Let's look at some of the histories behind the seasonal celebrations. Mabon History: The idea of a harvest festival is nothing new.Mabon Balance Meditation: If you're feeling a bit spiritually lopsided, with this simple meditation you can restore a little balance into your life.

It's a time when we're gathering the bounty of the fields, the orchards, and the gardens, and bringing it in for storage. Create a Mabon Food Altar: Mabon is a celebration of the second harvest season.

Setting Up Your Mabon Altar: Celebrate the Mabon Sabbat by decorating your altar with the colors and symbols of the late harvest season.